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Bring Birds Into View

A welcome sign of spring is birdsong carried in the breeze as you tend to your garden and landscape. Some birds nest here while others make their transcontinental migration. Birds are attracted to a variety of habitats, including your yard if you design it that way. Here are 10 tips to make your landscape a bird haven.


Keep feeding birds if you are already. Birds returning or migrating through need the calories to make the journey.

Go slow on clearing brush until spring growth is more apparent. The last of the fall seeds and berries are needed food sources. Twigs and stems are woven into nests, and brush piles provide hiding places from predators.


As you cut back ornamental grasses, cut some stems into smaller pieces to use as mulch. Birds will appreciate the ready made nesting material and it adds another layer of organic matter to your soil.

Leave some loosened leftover leaves. Birds will forage in leaf litter for insects as they emerge.

As you plan for spring planting, consider trees, shrubs, and perennials that are fruit, nut, and seed bearing, as well as evergreens for year round protection.


Open areas with shrub borders attract most songbirds. Flower beds provide nectar for insects and perennial flower seed heads, making a buffet for a variety of birds.

Consider plants that flower and attract insects. The more diverse types of food you provide, the more species of birds you will attract.

Placing bird feeders near shrubs within view from your window offers entertainment and shelter where birds can dart quickly for protection.

Birds will fly miles to find water, and stay near water sources once located. Place a bird bath in a sunny spot where it’s convenient to clean and fill.

Clean and scrub your bird feeders, houses, and baths with a 10% bleach solution to remove winter debris.


An added bonus to making your yard a bird haven is becoming a hotspot for butterflies and other pollinators, too! Ask our staff for the Bees, Birds, Butterflies, & Bats in Your Garden handout, pick up a free Plant Guide, or simply read the signs at both locations to see which plants will attract the wildlife you want to see in your yard.